Thursday, December 3, 2009

LIE like a rug.....

***Disclaimer - this was written right after learning of the Tiger Woods debaucle along with some personal experience. I do NOT think that ALL MEN are like this.****

The Tiger Woods soap opera has generated several conversations this week about relationships and there seems to be a recurring theme - the seemingly uncontrollable need for SOME men to cheat and lie - about who he is, what he does, whether he is married or single, what type of relationship he wants, his job, his education, how many women he is seeing, his feelings for you, his online/offline/in line at the grocery store antics, his sexual orientation, his baby momma, his health status, his family...etc.....WHY?!?! The saddest part of all of this is what I see happening to the women and families as a result. What causes all of this? Can someone help me understand?

Is it that we as women have to remain guarded and suspicious because no matter what your age, profession, hometown, or religious beliefs, you have not matured enough to be a REAL MAN and tell the truth?

Is it that we have to do as Steve Harvey says and "think like a man" because you truly believe we are stupid enough to trust everything you say?

Is it that we cannot be the open, honest, REAL, loving woman that God created us to be FOR YOU AND TO YOU because you don’t have the sense to recognize it (although you SAY you do) and allow it? You simply take advantage of it!

Is it that YOU think you have the POWER and that everyone around you must bow down to your charming recitation of the practiced speeches and flattering "look into my eyes" hypnotics that you learned in magic class?

Is it that you have bought into the myth that there is a shortage of men and we will accept ANY kind of treatment to say we have one?

If so, then you need to deflate your ego and realize that we are NOT any of those things. We are women who, in spite of your attempt to demoralize and dehumanize us, continue to rise above. We are women who deal with the crap that you present only for awhile – and enjoy seeing you cringe when you see that we have upgraded to the next level of Man – the man that you WISH you could be but you just do not have the integrity – or as you fellas prefer to say – just don’t have the balls – platinum or otherwise – to be!

This is why you see on the news about women shooting men, lacing their food with drugs, and running them over with cars. The song “Bust your window out your car” wasn’t just something that they pulled out of the sky. There is a reason it is called a “CRIME OF PASSION”! STOP IT! Stop playing with our emotions. Stop acting as if we HAVE to take what you dish out. That is a dangerous game! We are TIRED OF YOUR BULL****!

So…back to the original question…can someone help me understand?

1 comment:

  1. DANG, I felt you wrote every word that I have said for days, weeks, months and even years. So profoundly put and straight to the point. "Help you understand".....HELL, I'm trying to understand!!!! So help me help, help you, help me and others to understand. Or should I be like the rest of the woman that get the men to stay cause they act a fool and be a B***H! Why do YOu have to treat men stupid and cold for them to want to stay with you? You do the math..
