Wednesday, December 2, 2009

...and so we begin...

I've been writing and giving my unbiased (or maybe a little biased) opinion for a few years now, but never considered setting up a blog just to say what I felt the need or had a desire to say. A friend of mine said that the time had come for me to step out and allow my "musings" to be read by others. So here I am.....embarking on a new adventure.....stepping out on faith. I'll come here and post my thoughts - things that are on my mind and in my heart - some of them you'll agree with and some of them you won't - but in the end we will have made a connection - you'll see!

I'll talk to you soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you!! Look at this! I'm excited to see what comes of this! ;-)

    Michelle Kitchens
