Thursday, July 23, 2015

R&R...Get it!

Rest and Relaxation - we all crave more of it.  I know I do!  In the last few months I've taken a closer look at when and how I rest and relax.  In the examination of that, I've discovered that I really don't know how to rest which means I don't relax.

For most of us we look at the weekend as a time of relaxation, but in reality, we may cram more into those two days than all of the week.  Running errands, cleaning house, attending worship, and trying to add some fun into it wears us out by Sunday night!  Makes me think like what is said in this pic:

But think about it, what would we REALLY do with another day?  Yep - cram more stuff into it! So, knowing what we have to work with, we need to determine how to get things done smarter so that we can have more time to rest and relax - throughout the week!  In reading various things (which is one way that I rest) and trying to do a better job of resting and relaxing, I came across some great suggestions for ways to do that.

1. Stop thinking so much - Some of us spend time that we should be resting, thinking.  What didn't we finish today?  What do we have to do tomorrow?  Why didn't we get it done?  What could we have done differently?  What is going on in the world?  Why can't there be world peace?  Where in the world IS Carmen Satiago? WHy? WHo? Where? WHen?  The first step to relaxing is to turn off your brains.

2. Learn that PERFECTION DOES NOT EXIST!!! - Would stop spinning if you didn't fold your underwear in your drawer? No, it wouldn't...and you would have more time for you if recognized that it's ok for some things to be a little off kilter.  What do you want, a home or a museum?

3. Attack housework a little at a time - I began to use the 15 minute rule.  I set a timer for 15 minutes, chose one room and did as much as I could in that 15 minutes.  Don't get distracted!  Stay focused.  Put on some music if you need to.  Do that each day and before you know it - the whole house will be clean and your Saturday will all belong to you.  Oh yeah, put a load of clothes in the washing machine before you go to bed - and in the dryer the next morning before you leave for work.

4. Have some FUN! - Remember all of the things you used to do that you no longer do? Learn how to PLAY!  Is it really because you don't have time or because you don't MAKE time?  Reading.  Cooking. Crafts. Coloring. Cards.  Dominoes. Chess. Playing jacks. Monopoly. Jumping rope.  Skipping!(ok, I know I went a little too far with that one!) The point is that we don't stop playing because we get older, we get older because we stop playing!

So I've started your list. There are so many more out there.  Take those and expand on them. Spend at least 30 mins to an hour every other day doing something for yourself.  Mindless TV.  Going through one of those magazines that are stacked up.  Take a bubble bath.  Call a friend - yes CALL. Not text, not Instant Message.  Facetime or Skype is ok - the goal is to make an interpersonal CONNECTION!

Let me know what you do for R&R.  Let me know how it changes you - your perspective, your attitude, and your day.

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