Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thankful for the gift of thought...

       In preparation for this holiday, I have spent a lot of time in introspection. The past year or so has held a lot of transition for me - changing role for me as my daughter went off to college and began the next phase of her life, new roles at work, changes in family dynamics in the acceptance of my mother's health, moving to another part of town, and even just the changes in myself as I get older and deal with my own health struggles. It hasn't been easy, and to be honest, lately it's really been hard. I've shed a lot of tears and at times I have been angry with God feeling that he had abandoned me along with others.  I don't think I have ever felt so alone. But I keep moving forward. "Just because you THOUGHT that way doesn't mean you have to THINK that way!" ~ KHC

      Last night at church the worship leader spoke of how people see you in contrast to either the reality of you or how you see yourself. That is so true! I think many times that people envision that your world is spinning a lot faster than it really is. My Pastor also shared that he doesn't trust processes, he trusts people - and that is me; I trust people. Ironically that also where the most disappointment comes, in trusting people.Yet even in the realization of that aspect, I love that I am that person. I love how much I enjoy people. I love how much I look forward to opportunities to fellowship and share with others. I love that I'm a romantic and still believe in love and what it will hold for me when He finds me.(can someone give him a GPS) I love how much I like the simple things in life. I love how crafty and creative I am. I love how much music moves me. In a nutshell - I love me! Yet I have also come to understand that FOR ME, there are dynamics that I need for balance. I need Me time, family/friends time, and time with a companion. The difficulty comes when those dynamics aren't in sync, such as it is now. But I do believe that it won't be that way always. I know that there are those that speak of not "telling your business" on social media, but there are times that by you being transparent, you help someone else. Somewhere along the way I think I heard that's a part of ministry.

       So today, on this Thanksgiving Day, I am thankful for the opportunity to share myself with you. I am thankful for the things that God has given to me materially, and know that for some, that would be enough. I am thankful that my daughter is doing well at school and in building her career. I am thankful that my mother is still with us today. I am thankful that my relationship has grown with my sisters and my brother and other family members. I am thankful for a new day and another chance to take a step forward and I'm excited about where that step will take me. I am blessed - I know that, and I don't take those things for granted. I pray that you and yours have a safe and happy day today!

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