Friday, September 30, 2016

Become Resilient!

Just wanted to pass on some great information on being resilient - that's the foundation of relining your nest. Use the change and transition to not only bounce back, but be better!  Enjoy!!

Resilience is the ability to recover after experiencing a difficult or stressful event. Do you consider yourself a person who bounces back from life's challenges and setbacks? There are things you can do to improve how you react or cope with difficult or stressful situations. Consider the following resiliency building strategies:
Build relationships – Spend time with people who care about you. Develop new friendships with people who are experiencing common life challenges or have similar interests.
Allow others to help - Be courageous and ask for help from family, friends, support groups, or counselors and therapists when you need it.
Be confident in you - Focus on your abilities, and trust your instincts.
Be goal-focused - Instead of feeling overwhelmed by what you cannot do or control, focus on small, attainable goals you can reach.
Focus on the facts - Most of our worries in day-to-day life are about the "what ifs", what could happen rather than what we're actually facing. Focus on today and now.
Discover your strengths - Reflect on what you have accomplished and take note of any positive traits you've acquired as a result of or in spite of tough times.
Help others - Helping another person in need can help you find hope during your own stressful times.
Take care of you - There is no substitute for proper rest, nutrition, exercise, and relaxation techniques.
Laugh - Resiliency experts have found that laughter helps people cope better during difficult times. Laughter can even ease physical and emotional pain.
No matter how resilient we are, we are all still human. We have emotional and even physical responses to a bad day, but we can teach our mind and body to "bounce back". You do not have to wait for a crisis or stressful life experience to practice building resiliency


Friday, September 16, 2016

...and here we are again!

It seems that around this time every year I return to this place to pick up again the recording of my thoughts in a blog.  In looking back over the past year, especially the past few months, I see how important sharing those thoughts and experiences has become.  It's a part of who I am - period. Usually I talk them out, but lately that hasn't been enough. The result of that has been the publishing of my first book - Relining the Empty Nest.

Most people think of children leaving home when they think of an empty nest, but it is so much more than that.

Your heart, home, and daily life is a nest. The nest can be made up of one or more things and it is not important to number them.  Just recognize that your nest can and does become empty.  Relationships end....people pass are get move to another city or town or state....your nest become empty and in order to continue life and move forward in it, you have to reline it.

My book was a labor of love.  It's not meant to be a deep intensive therapy session but an easy read with my personal experiences as a part of it, but you do have to look within yourself and ask some hard questions.  That's where the difficulty happens because we are quick to just not think about something in order to not deal with it.  Yet that doesn't mean it's gone away.  I heard someone say recently that "you cannot fix what you will not face".  I've laid it out for you.

So...the time is now to work on YOU and only you know what is the work that needs to be done.  For me?  I didn't want to look back and say "I wonder what would have happened if" AND I needed to get over/through/around some things that fear seemed to continually place in my path.  I pushed fear aside and guess what?  Now I have a book.....

The book is available online as an ebook on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, or you can purchase the paperback at Uniquely Me Press.  There is also a workbook that you can purchase if you would prefer to have something separate from your book to record your thoughts.

What are you waiting to do? Let's reline that nest!    #relineyournest    #itsyourtime

All in the name of love, peace, and happiness...Roberta